Saturday, February 24, 2007

Ick, gross

This was not a good week for training. I was still recovering from the 20-miler at the beginning of the week, then I got horribly sick at the end of the week. It started on Tuesday, when I was at work and Bruce's babysitter called me to tell me he'd just thrown up.

I picked him up, took him home, and pampered him all day. He threw up about every half hour and couldn't keep anything down - not even water. I went to practice that night feeling sluggish from the 20-miler and queasy from smelling regurgitated apple juice and pretzels all day.

Wednesday I felt fine, but Bruce was still throwing up (not as much though, thank goodness). I planned a nice long run that was supposed to include Audrey, Laura, and Sarah through Medford, Somerville, Cambridge, and along the Charles. Then at 2 a.m. on Thursday morning, Scott and I woke up feeling really queasy.

Scott puked first. I went next. We took turns in the bathroom. It was awful.

When 5 a.m. came around, I was still puking so I found my phone and discovered that I didn't have Audrey's number. Dang. And there was no way I was going to get in my car and drive down 28 to tell her I couldn't run. I'd get puke all over my car for sure. So I called Laura, but got voicemail. That run turned out a disaster. Audrey ran up 28 and didn't find me. Sarah ran around the river and never saw us. And Laura slept in. We've all since exchanged phone numbers.

Bruce felt better on Thursday, although he had some really disgusting runny diapers. The worst part is that Scott and I were so queasy that the smell of the diapers made us ralph even more. We took turns changing diapers; it was not pleasant.

By Thursday night, I kept down 4 oz of Gatorade. Friday went much better. I kept down some rice cakes, and I even had a potato for dinner. Today I'm feeling almost myself. I ate some cereal for breakfast and kept it down, but felt really awful. So I'm still not sure if I'll run today. Part of me says, "Of course you should run! The marathon isn't that far away!" The other part of me says, "What's the point? No productive training is going to happen when there's a norovirus in your system!"


1 comment:

Boston Run Gals said...

How awful! I hope you feel better soon. Take care.